The Lighthouse Keeper of Aspinwall part 4


    He was in truth like a ship whose masts, ropes, and sails had been broken and rent by a tempest, and cast from the clouds to the bottom of the sea—a ship on which the tempest had hurled waves and spat foam, but which still wound its way to the harbor. The pictures of that storm passed quickly through his mind as he compared it with the calm future now beginning.

    A part of his wonderful adventures he had related to Falconbridge; he had not mentioned, however, thousands of other incidents. It had been his misfortune that as often as he pitched his tent and fixed his fireplace to Settle down permanently, some wind tore out the stakes of his tent, whirled away the fire, and bore him on toward destruction.

    Almost every occupation

    Looking now from the balcony of the tower at the illuminated waves, he remembered everything through which he had passed. He had campaigned in the four parts of the world, and in wandering had tried almost every occupation. Labor loving and honest, more than once had he earned money, and had always lost it in spite of every provision, and the utmost caution.

    He had been a gold-miner in Australia, a diamond- digger in Africa, a rifleman in public service in the East Indies. He established a ranch in California—the drought ruined him; he tried I l ading with wild tribes in the interior of Brazil—his raft was wrecked on the Amazon; he himself alone, weaponless, and nearly naked, wandered in the forest for many weeks living on wild fruits, exposed every moment to death from the jaws of wild beasts. He established a forge in Helena, Arkansas, and that was burned in a great fire which consumed the whole town.

    Next he fell into the hands of Indians in the Rocky Mountains, and only through a miracle was he saved by Canadian trappers. Then he served as a sailor on a vessel running between Bahia and Bordeaux, and as harpooner on a whaling-ship; both vessels were wrecked.

    He had a cigar factory in Havana, and was rob-bed by his partner while he himself was lying sick with the vomito. At last he came to Aspinwall, and there was to be the end of his failures— for what could reach him on that rocky island? Neither water nor fire nor men. But from men Skavinski had not suffered much; he had met good men oftener than bad ones.

    But it seemed to him that all the four elements were persecuting him. Those who knew him said that he had no luck, and with that they explained everything. He himself became somewhat of a monomaniac.

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