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The Triple Warning part 1

Arthur Schnitzler (1862 – 1931)Arthur Schnitzler, born in Vienna in 1862, was one of the most distinguished figures in Austrian literature, and a dramatist and fiction writer of international renown. His delicately written and...

The Fury part 12

She laid the handkerchief in the basket, and also the cross, and closed the lid. But when he looked into her face, he started. Great heavy drops were rolling down her cheeks; she let...

The Fury part 11

She took his hand, that was not able to prevent her, and unbound the linen. When she saw the swelling, she shuddered, and gave a cry:“Jesus Maria!”“It is a little swollen,” he said; “it...

The Fury part 10

It is only this confounded ready blood of mine, that always makes a thing look worse than it is.”“Let me come and bind it up, comparello. Stop one moment; I will go and fetch...

The Fury part 9

She could not repress a start, but her eyes flashed bravely on him. “You may kill me if you dare,” she said slowly.“I do nothing by halves,” he said, and his voice sounded choked...

The Fury part 8

And now they sat together in this boat, like two most deadly enemies, while their hearts were beating fit to kill them. Antonio`s usually so good humored face was heated to scarlet; he struck...

The Fury part 7

She had seated herself at the end of the boat, half turning her back to him, so that he could only see her profile. She wore a sterner look than ever; the low, straight...

The Fury part 6

“Not enough to give me macaroni twice a week, if I had had nothing but the boat—only a letter now and then to take to Naples, or a gentleman to row out into the...

The Fury part 5

When, after two hours` rowing, they reached the little bay of Capri, Antonio took the padre in his arms, and carried him through the last few ripples of shallow water, to set him reverently...

The Fury part 4

“By his ill treatment of her; he beat her and trampled upon her. I well remember the nights when he came home in his fits of frenzy. She never said a word, and did...

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