Pythagoreans and the Quest for Celestial Harmony
Pythagoreans The Hearth of the Universe
The Pythagoreans introduced a groundbreaking non-geocentric system driven by moral and religious convictions. They envisioned the divine, symbolically known...
The Commissioner`s Christmas part 6
“Guess we, too, have to turn into moor-hens `and wade out,” said Ondra thoughtfully, “or else—”“Oh, you idiot! Just wait till we get out...
The Commissioner`s Christmas part 5
“Whip `em up! Hurry up! You lazybones! We`ll freeze to death!” shrieked the furious commissioner.Ondra indifferently shouted to the horses and drowsily swung his...
The Commissioner`s Christmas part 4
“Stop your silly chatter and get along. It`s getting dark, and I`ve got to get back to celebrate Christmas with my family. You charge...
The Commissioner`s Christmas part 3
The small coach slowly wallowed through the deep soft mud, wading in, wading out, twisting and turning. A loose board on the side of...
The Commissioner`s Christmas part 2
The country lad shouted once more to his horses, settled himself more comfortably on the box, slapped his wet cap on his thick cape...
The Commissioner`s Christmas part 1
BulgariaIntroductionBulgarian literature is still in its infancy. The first Bulgarian grammar was published in 1835. This was the work of the monk Neophyt Rilski...
Customized Tour Balkan
Customized Tours Balkan Day 1 Our Balkan Holidays tour starts from Sofia to Thessaloniki sister of Alexander the GreatOur Customized Tours Balkan starts… 310...