Chivalry part 3
Salvador Moreno was a high-strung, refined man to whom the brutality of force was repugnant. At the same time his indomitable and lofty spirit...
Chivalry part 2
The present version, translated by Gray Casement, from the volume, Costa Rican Tales, copyright, 1905, by Burrows Co., Cleveland, is here reprinted by permission...
Chivalry part 1
South AmericaIntroductionFrom the very earliest years following the conquest of Spanish America in the Sixteenth Century there have been Spanish- American writers, and though...
The Virtuous Daughter-In-Law part 7
The mortgagee, suspecting it was the same money that had been offered him by Erh-ch`eng, cut the pieces in halves, and saw that it...
The Virtuous Daughter-In-Law part 6
Shan-hu was the next to go, and she found the hole full of silver bullion; and then Ta-ch`eng repaired to the spot and saw...
The Virtuous Daughter-In-Law part 5
Erh-ch`eng was quite well off, but his brother would not apply to him, neither did he himself offer to help them. Tsang-ku, too, would...
The Virtuous Daughter-In-Law part 4
“What sort of a person was the one you sent away?” asked her sister in reply. “She wasn`t as bad as some one I...
The Virtuous Daughter-In-Law part 3
Ever since Shan-hu had been sent away, Ta-ch`eng`s mother had been endeavoring to get him another wife; but the fame of her temper had...
The Virtuous Daughter-In-Law part 2
I had better die.” Thereupon she drew a pair of scissors and stabbed herself in the throat, covering herself immediately with blood. The servant...
The Virtuous Daughter-In-Law part 1
P`u Sung-Ling (1622—1679?)The Strange Stories of P`u Sung-Ling have delighted all classes in China for over two centuries, but about their editor we have...