The Fury part 10
It is only this confounded ready blood of mine, that always makes a thing look worse than it is.”“Let me come and bind it...
The Fury part 9
She could not repress a start, but her eyes flashed bravely on him. “You may kill me if you dare,” she said slowly.“I do...
The Fury part 8
And now they sat together in this boat, like two most deadly enemies, while their hearts were beating fit to kill them. Antonio`s usually...
The Fury part 7
She had seated herself at the end of the boat, half turning her back to him, so that he could only see her profile....
The Fury part 6
“Not enough to give me macaroni twice a week, if I had had nothing but the boat—only a letter now and then to take...
The Fury part 5
When, after two hours` rowing, they reached the little bay of Capri, Antonio took the padre in his arms, and carried him through the...
The Fury part 4
“By his ill treatment of her; he beat her and trampled upon her. I well remember the nights when he came home in his...
The Fury part 3
They went on a while in silence. The sun now stood resplendent above the mountain chain; only the tip of Mount Vesuvius towered beyond...
The Fury part 2
“Laurella!” cried the priest. “And what has she to do in Capri?” Antonio shrugged his shoulders. She came up with hasty steps, her eyes...
The Fury part 1
Paul Heyse (1830 – 1914)Heyse was one of the most distinguished and highly respected German writers of the past century. Poet, novelist, dramatist, critic,...