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The Priest and the Mulberries part 1

The Priest and the MulberriesAnonymous: 12th or 13th CenturyPractically nothing is known of the author of this pleasant little Fabliau. Compared with the great...

The Matron of Ephesus

Petronius (Died 66 A.D.)Gaius Petronius Arbiter was born some time early in the First Century of the Christian era, and committed suicide in the...

The Jackal

The Jackal (Anonymous: 14th Century A.D., or earlier)Nothing is known of the author of the Hitopadesa, a manual of didac-tic fables composed—on the basis...

Horatius at the Bridge

Ancient RomeIt is a commonplace of literary history that Roman art was largely imitated or derived from the Greek, and in particular that Roman...

King Rhampsinitus and the Thief

Herodotus (484—424 B.C.)Herodotus, the Father of History, is celebrated as a teller of tales. These he introduced into his History partly for purposes of...

Little Briarrose part 3

After long, long years, there came again a kings` son to that country, and heard how an old man told about the briar hedge;...

Little Briarrose part 2

The king, who wanted to save his dear child from harm, sent out an order that all the spindles in the kingdom should be...

Little Briarrose part 1

Jakob Grimm (1775 – 1863) Wilhelm Grimm (1776 – 1859)The Brothers Grimm, as they are still affectionately called, were both scholars of high repute,...

The Fury part 12

She laid the handkerchief in the basket, and also the cross, and closed the lid. But when he looked into her face, he started....

The Fury part 11

She took his hand, that was not able to prevent her, and unbound the linen. When she saw the swelling, she shuddered, and gave...

Tour guide Ensar