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The Fury part 5

When, after two hours` rowing, they reached the little bay of Capri, Antonio took the padre in his arms, and carried him through the last few ripples of shallow water, to set him reverently...

The Fury part 4

“By his ill treatment of her; he beat her and trampled upon her. I well remember the nights when he came home in his fits of frenzy. She never said a word, and did...

The Fury part 3

They went on a while in silence. The sun now stood resplendent above the mountain chain; only the tip of Mount Vesuvius towered beyond the group of clouds that had gathered about its base;...

The Fury part 2

“Laurella!” cried the priest. “And what has she to do in Capri?” Antonio shrugged his shoulders. She came up with hasty steps, her eyes fixed straight before her.“Ha! Arrabiata! goodmorning!” shouted one or two...

The Fury part 1

Paul Heyse (1830 – 1914)Heyse was one of the most distinguished and highly respected German writers of the past century. Poet, novelist, dramatist, critic, he “created a new standard of style and artistic finish...

Beglik Tash Tour

Tours Bulgaria Beglik Tash – one-day tourTours Bulgaria Beglik Tash include Nessebar, Beglik Tash and the river RopotamoBecause the tour starts from Nessebar, here we give you short information about the distance from the...

Tours Bulgaria around Monasteries

Monasteries in Bulgaria, tours Bulgaria, are unique because of their rich architecture, their icons and wall paintings. It`s not about religion or belief. Nor about being part of a mystery. It`s about a special...

Tour Packages Bulgaria

You are ready to explore your dreams and travel. Then, it`s time to plan your Bulgaria holiday and benefit from our tour packages Bulgaria.We are here to take you around a small country with...

Tour Packages Balkan

Bulgaria is part of the Balkan Peninsula and is also marked with its difficult destiny. For that we made tour packages Balkan in different variations. Our wish is to make you breathe the air...

Treasures of Varna

Hunting the treasures of Varna in Bulgaria toursBulgaria Tours Day 1Bulgaria Tours – a day spent in the city of Varna – the sea capital of Bulgaria, like people know Varna. Varna is the third...

The Fury part 4


Dolmabahce Palace