Mendicant Melody part 3
What strange subterranean passages of sentiment and tone, from the lively airs of the opera-bouffe to the plaintive entreaties directed toward deserted windows!“Signori, something...
Mendicant Melody part 2
Evidences of poverty and misery and signs, of a life of hardship were manifested by the instruments themselves; the voice of weariness and anguish...
Mendicant Melody part 1
Edmondo De Amicis (1846— 1908)De Amicis is best known to the world as the author of the children`s classic, Cuore. De Amicis was a...
The Four Friends
Jean De La Fontaine (1621-1695)One of the great figures of the age of Louis XIV, Jean de La Fontaine was born at Chateau-Thierry in...
The Priest and the Mulberries part 2
“God!” said he, “if any one now should cry `Gee up!` ” He thought and spoke the words at the same moment, whereat the...
The Priest and the Mulberries part 1
The Priest and the MulberriesAnonymous: 12th or 13th CenturyPractically nothing is known of the author of this pleasant little Fabliau. Compared with the great...
Zheravna Festival
Private tours Bulgaria. Bulgaria is no different from any other country in the world. It has its own history, heroes, legends. It surely had...
Rhodope Mountains – Legends and Reality
Today’s train of tour Bulgaria is leaving the capital of Bulgaria, Sofia (private tour Sofia), to travel to the Rhodope Mountains. It stops at...
The Matron of Ephesus
Petronius (Died 66 A.D.)Gaius Petronius Arbiter was born some time early in the First Century of the Christian era, and committed suicide in the...
The Jackal
The Jackal (Anonymous: 14th Century A.D., or earlier)Nothing is known of the author of the Hitopadesa, a manual of didac-tic fables composed—on the basis...