Love and Bread part 2


    “I suppose you are both set on marrying, and I don`t doubt but what you are really fond of each other. So it seems as though I should have to give my consent after all. Only make good of the time that you are engaged to Louise by trying to increase your income.”

    Young Falk flushed with joy at this sanction, and demonstratively kissed the old man`s hand. Heavens, how happy he was—and his Louise, too! How proud they felt the first time they went out walking together arm in arm, and how everybody noticed the radiant happiness of the engaged couple!

    In the evenings he came to see her, bringing with him the proof- sheets he had undertaken to correct. This made a good impression on papa, and earned the industrious young man a kiss from his betrothed. But one evening they went to the theater for a change, and drove home in a cab, the cost of that evening`s entertainment amounting to ten kroner. Then, on a few other evenings, instead of giving the lessons, he called at the young lady`s house to take her for a little walk.

    Statuette of Venus

    As the day set for the wedding drew near, they had to think about making the necessary purchases to furnish their flat. They bought two handsome beds of real walnut, with substantial spring mattresses and soft eiderdown quilts. Louise must have a blue quilt, as her hair was blond. They, of course, also paid a visit to the house-furnisher`s, where they selected a lamp with a red shade, a pretty porcelain statuette of Venus, a complete table service with knives, forks, and fine glassware. In picking out the kitchen utensils they were benefited by mamma`s advice and aid. It was a busy time for the assistant councilor—rushing about to find a house, looking after the workmen, seeing that all the furniture was got together, writing out checks, and what not.

    Meanwhile it was perfectly natural that Gustaf could earn nothing extra. But when they were once married he would easily make it up. They intended to be most economical—only a couple of rooms to start with. Anyhow, you could furnish a small apartment better than a large one. So they took a first-floor apartment at six hundred kroner, consisting of two rooms, kitchen, and larder. At first Louise said she would prefer three rooms on the top landing. But what did it matter, after all, so long as they sincerely loved each other?

    Read More about The Green Fly part 3